Inés De Viaud

About Me

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My Biography

Ines De Viaud was born in Santa Ana, El Salvador. She began studying Music at the age of seven, interpreting the classics on the piano. At the age of thirteen she learned to play the guitar on her own and started to compose songs. In 1984 she participated in the EL SALVADOR OTI Festival, and in 1989 she represented her country in the International Latin American Festival OTI celebrated in Acapulco (Mexico) for that year. Until 1986 she sang and composed commercial music, among them songs dedicated to her country El Salvador inspired by the nostalgia from living abroad during years in which the country faced political and social turmoil during a Civil War that lasted 14 years.

In this same year the need for inner healing made her look towards God searching for strength in the aftermath of her father's death. She wrote her first Christian song, titled "Calma Señor mi dolor" ("Lord, calm my pain") in 1987. Months later her Evangelization mission through music was confirmed at the State Hospital of San Salvador where she was invited to sing the weekly mass. Through her music the patients experienced physical and inner healing. From that experience, she wrote the song, I have thirst of you my Lord, (Tengo sed de Ti) and from that moment Ines De Viaud traveled around the world, visiting hospitals, jails and orphanages, taking a message of love, healing and hope to those who lost Faith in their lives.

The greatest moment in her artistic life was to sing the songs that she wrote for her country minutes before El Salvador signed the Peace Accords in Mexico in 1991. The event that put an end to the country's bloody civil war was televised throughout her country and to the world. In 1992, she was awarded the title "Princess of Cuzcatlan" for best composer/song writer of El Salvador by the Salvadoran Professional Women's Association. She has participated in diverse Christian Festivals in different countries supporting their Ministries, Institutions and Churches. In the years 1995, 96, 97 and 98 she was invited to participate in the annual MAGNIFICAT Multifestival organized by the International Christian Artists of Europe in Italy.

She currently travels through Europe and America giving her life testimony accompanied by songs she wrote inspired by Our Lord. In 1997 she represented Latin America in the World Youth Celebration with Pope John Paul II in Paris, France. In 1998 and 1999 Ines was invited to participate in Latin America in the Gospel Jubilee Festival celebrated annually in Torino (Italy). In 2000 she was invited as a special guest to the 9th International Meeting of Young People held at San Martino de Schio (Vicenza, Italy). In 2000 and 2001 she participated in the SHALOM Festival as a special guest and a member of the jury for best song, group and soloist of Colombia. Ines has been interviewed by Italian journalist Gian Paolo Mattei in his recently published book alongside a hundred of famous artists of the world. Newspapers of Mexico and Panama published her interview along with Gloria Estefan's, Rio of Spain, Cat Stevens and Bob Dylan among others...

Ines has 10 productions to her name, the most recent "When the moment arrives", "Parlami di te.." "Me enamoro mas de Ti" recorded in Torino, Milano and Rome, Italy. Her next production is in its final stages and collaborating on it are musicians of the International Symphonica of Pesaro (Italy). Ines is President of the Association Art & Christ for America. She has been Director of the JOSHUA and XAIRE Multifestivals annually celebrated in El Salvador.

Ines de Viaud currently lives in El Salvador. She and her husband have 5 wonderful children. Her life and mission are focused on using her art to help the less fortunate and to rescue moral values that have been lost in our society. This is why she has taken on organizing and promoting Art Multifestivals, inside and outside the borders of El Salvador.


Nata a Santa Anna, El Salvador Centro America . Comincia con la musica all'età di sette anni, interpretando musica classica al piano. All'età di tredici anni suona la chitarra come autodidatta e compone canzoni. Nel 1984 partecipa al festival OTI a El Salvador e nel 1989 rappresenta la sua nazione al Festival spagnolo-americano OTI in Acapulco ( Messico ). Fino all'anno 1986 interpreta e compone musica commerciale, alcune ,canzoni dedicate alla sua patria, El Salvador, ispirate dalla nostalgia di vivere all'estero durante alcuni anni, mentre la sua nazione si trovava in una difficile situazione politica e sociale. Questo stesso anno, in seguito alla morte di suo padre, il bisogno di una guarigione interiore e la ricerca di Dio per ricevere la forza per andare avanti, la portarono a scrivere la sua prima composizione sacra, intitolata "Calma Señor mi dolor ". Dopo alcuni mesi , riceve la certezza della sua missione evangelizzatrice per mezzo della musica, in un ospedale di carità al quale era invitata a cantare la messa settimanale.
Attraverso la sua musica gli ammalati sperimentarono guarigione fisica e interiore Compone "Tengo Sed De Ti " Ho sete di Te" e da questo momento Ines De Viaud viaggia per il mondo, in concerti, visite agli ospedali , carceri orfanotrofi, portando un messaggio d'amore e guarigione per quelli che hanno perso la FEDE nella vita.
La più grande emozione nella sua vita artistica é stata quella di cantare alla televisione le canzoni che ha scritto alla sua patria, pochi minuti prima della firma degli acuerdos de paz de El Salvador "Accordi di pace di El Salvador" in Messico. Ha partecipato a vari festivals di musica religiosa in diversi paesi, sostenendo I Ministeri e le parrocchie che la invitarono. Dal 1995 partecipa come rappresentante Latinoamericana al Multifestival MAGNIFICAT INTERNAZIONALE con artisti cristiani d'Europa che si realizza tutti gli anni in Italia.
Nel 1997 rappresenta l'America Latina nella Giornata Mondiale dei Giovani con il Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo II celebrato in Francia a Parigi. In maggio 1999, é invitata speciale al Congresso della Gioventù celebrato a Pompei, Italia. 1998,99,2000,01... nel mese d'Luglio partecipa al Anno Domini Multifestival, che si celebra tutti gli anni nel Santuario di Oropa, Biella Torino-Italia, come rappresentante Latinoamericana.
Ha 10 produzioni discografiche; l'ultima registrata a Milano, Italia. Oggi vive in El Salvador, sposata, madre di cinque figli.
Ha vinto il Premio di El Salvador come "migliore compositrice e come donna professionista".
